White Collar Criminal Mastermind Jacked $122m from Facebook and Google

Our visions begin with our desires

Evaldas Rimasauskas had a nice run of White Collar Crime because the Mastermind Jacked $122m from Facebook and Google. The Lithuanian was sentenced last week due to unfortunately getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

He faced charges of US wire extortion, bothered data fraud, and tax evasion charges, conceding that he had stolen $99m from Facebook and $23m from Google somewhere in the range of 2013 and 2015.

Rimasauskas' grift was entirely striking. He simply sent Google and Facebook solicitations for things they hadn't bought and that he hadn't given, which the organizations paid at any rate. The solicitations were joined by "manufactured solicitations, contracts, and letters that erroneously seemed to have been executed and marked by officials and specialists of the Victim Companies, and which bore false corporate stamps decorated with the Victim Companies' names, to be submitted to banks in help of the vast volume of assets that were deceitfully transmitted by means of wire exchange." He likewise ridiculed messages that seemed to originate from corporate executives.

Obviously, nobody checked first to check whether these compared to solicitations/POs that had been issued inside the organizations.

Rimasauskas was professing to be the monster Taiwanese equipment producer Quanta Computer Inc and had enlisted an organization in Latvia with a similar name.

He's consented to relinquish about $50m. It's not clear the end result for's the other $73m, however, Rimasauskas was a productive and rococo tax criminal who squirreled money away in Cyprus, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Latvia. Google has said that "We identified this extortion and quickly cautioned the specialists. We recovered the assets and we're satisfied this issue is settled."

Rimasauskas will be condemned on July 29. He faces as long as 30 years.

“Our visions begin with our desires.”

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