Sheriff Joe Arpaio Institutionalized?

24 years of hemorrhaging Tax Dollars Sheriff Joe Arpaio Lands in the slammer.
Sheriff Joe's negligence for 24 years caused Maricopa County Mugshots to become an epidemic!

As a result of providing Phoenix and Maricopa County Mugshots and identity theft, is Sheriff Joe Arpaio Institutionalized? Due to the mans sue happy nature, let's be clear, Joe was never convicted of a felony,

None the less, regardless of how highly the retired Sheriff proclaims his efforts were, one thing is certain! Before his detestable 24 years of Sheriff atrocity, no man has damaged Arizona's judicial fundamentals more!

Tent City Has Fallen!!

furthermore, I will see it burned to the ground if necessary! Because the days Arizona's working class tax dollars will be hemorrhaged on atrocity are dead!

An arial view illustration of the infamous county jail in Maricopa County, Tent City.

After 24 years of Phoenix caught in a vicious cycle of recidivism, what now?

Well thank god for good people on this earth that see see the chaos and Recidivism that plague our judicial system. As a result of solid built Representatives like Kevin Payne, Should his H.B. 2191 become law could be reduced nearly by half!

So in light of how horribly he's treated felons over the years, it would be a lie to say Sheriff Joe Arpaio Institutionalized conduct came directly from prison.

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One final note Joe.

In recent times, you've decided to sue both CNN and Rolling stone magazine. Perhaps by some chance stroke of luck, you'll come to realize it is entirely an orchestration at the hands of Google. The more people who attempt to place regulations upon the Communications Decency 230c, the better!

Location: 201 S 4th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003, USA

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