• Sean Gugerty Podcast Episode XIII

    House Bill 2191

    So despite many years since its arbitration, this cartoon has survived in explaining the whole political process of a laws creation. However, just because a happy ending occurred for old bill in the video there is no guarantee of success.

  • Maricopa Scumbag Arpaio

    Government Intervention is For Stupid People

    As a result of providing Phoenix and Maricopa County Mugshots and identity theft, is Sheriff Joe Arpaio Institutionalized? Due to the mans sue happy nature, let's be clear, Joe was never convicted of a felony...

  • Sean Gugerty SEO Wordpress

    Sean Gugerty | Tucson SEO

    So in case, you’re wondering where I Sean Gugerty, misplaced his last WordPress blog, its simple. Because Your Tucson SEO buddy learned something new! This new fun fact as a result of how contrary the saying...

  • Internet Transparency Is Taken Not Given

    I'm writing this article because many individuals I encounter fail to realize Internet Transparency Is Taken Not Given. So you might be thinking that limiting your online exposure is a good thing for privacy.

Showing posts with label Arizona Mugshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arizona Mugshots. Show all posts

Crystal Lee

Daniel Bleichenbacher is one of 155  thousand employees at Google Inc responsible for Mugshot Extortion.

Because Daniel Bleichenbacher already knows, America's sick of Google Employees! Your CIA employers think everyone in America is stupid, but we're done with you aiding your affiliate partners while hiding behind the safe harbor of the 230c!

We will end Maricopa County Mugshots and your racketeer of public record and the shaming! Furthermore, we will shed lights upon your victims, somewhere in the ballpark of 70 million Americans!

Working for a 110 billion dollar company so wreck less as to profit from criminal extortion we will gladly reciprocate!


Crystal Lee Google CIA Spy

Crystal Lee is one of 155  thousand employees at Google Inc responsible for Mugshot Extortion.

Because Crystal Lee already knows, America's sick of Google Employees! Your CIA employers think everyone in America is stupid, but we're done with you aiding your affiliate partners while hiding behind the safe harbor of the 230c!

We will end Maricopa County Mugshots and your racketeer of public record and the shaming! Furthermore, we will shed lights upon your victims, somewhere in the ballpark of 70 million Americans!

Working for a 110 billion dollar company so wreckless as to profit from criminal extortion we will gladly reciprocate!

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