MCSO Still Robbing Pot Dealers for Profit and Assets.

Maricopa County Sheriffs apparently still chasing Pot Dealers

Just because its legal in many states MCSO Still Robbing Pot Dealers for Profit and Assets. So if  you're a sheriff one thing you know to be a certainty is if you need something for the house, goto a Sheriff auction.

I mean seriously, thank god you got these ruthless criminals off of the streets because with a group alias of "Just Grinding", Someone might end up getting stoned.

The Maricopa County Sheriffs Office certainly has no objections to contributing to Extortion, Identity Theft, and ruining our youths futures should they happen to get arrested while shoplifting.
I'm sure someone will proclaim I'm on the dumb S**t, because how dare I question the big bad Maricopa Sheriffs!

These particular alleged mob bosses apparently were getting their pot from Los Angeles and then selling it at a merchant level here in Arizona.That's probably why Sheriffs came to conclude 90 pounds of commercial grade Marijuana is worth $230,000.

In my younger years back when commercial grade pot was all that was available I  bought a pound and it  weighed one ounce over. The shit actually weighed over by one ounce and the kid only  charged me 200 bucks  😂.

Now you can get a damn medical card for 200 bucks for high grade fire. So I guess to any hecklers or haters you could say well this isn't News and obviously MCSO Still Robbing Pot Dealers for Profit and Assets.

Well no kidding, and now that the world knows these "Kids" made a mistake we should be slandering them and putting their booking photos online to not be thrown out a day later like a Newspaper, but glued to their name and identity forever in Google?

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

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